I’m a bad blogger

I’m a bad blogger…But it’s not really my fault. Well, I mean, it is my fault. Cause I have a really boring life right now. So, it’s my fault that I don’t have anything to write about. But it’s not my fault that I’m a bad blogger because to be a good blogger you need interesting stuff to blog about.

I could write all about how I can’t find a damn job, or about the transmission going out in my car. I could write about my injured back and how it hurts all the time, or about my heel spurs that make it painful to walk. But…yeah, no one cares about that stuff. So really, by not blogging I’m protecting you from reading about my boring, uninteresting life. So, maybe I am a good blogger after all! I mean, a good blogger knows how to choose good topics and keep followers entertained, right?

Oh, wait. I don’t have any followers, I don’t think. Correct me if I’m wrong, anyone out there? So, I guess I’m a bad blogger again. Because good bloggers have followers. And interesting things to write about.

Sigh…I’m assigning myself homework.
1. Get a life
2. Write about my life
3. Get people to read my writing about my life

On a side note, no matter how boring my life is, Boo Boo does his best to keep it interesting. We wear hats for fun.

